Right Wing News: Is a Vote for Obama

Right Wing News

Is a Vote for Obama

. . . a vote to legitimize terrorism?

The Republican Jewish Coalition reminds you to think it over carefully before you vote:


Mother Jones: The Right’s Final Attack: Obama is a Black Muslim, Anti-Christian Socialist Plotting with an Evil Jewish Billionaire

Mother Jones

The Right’s Final Attack: Obama is a Black Muslim, Anti-Christian Socialist Plotting with an Evil Jewish Billionaire

With less than three weeks to go before Election Day, time is running out on the rightwing effort to delegitimize Barack Obama. At the last debate between John McCain and Obama, McCain finally confronted his opponent directly with the Bill Ayers charge. It was a half-hearted effort: he noted that he didn’t “care about an old washed-up terrorist” but insisted that “we need to know the full extent” of Obama’s relationship with the former Weather Underground radical, who has since become an education expert. Though McCain succeeded in appeasing conservatives who demanded he pounce on the Ayers matter, the polling evidence has indicated that whining about Obama’s casual association with Ayers has not yet become a winning tactic for McCain and Republicans trying to depict Obama as an untrustworthy pol outside the American mainstream. But Ayers is not the only ammo for rightwingers striving to brand Obama as anti-American. Various conservatives are pushing other lines of attack to achieve this goal. And as they mount various ploys, their desperation is showing.

For months, the McCain camp and conservatives have attempted to persuade voters that Obama is not one of them, not a truly loyal American–that, for instance, he pals around with domestic terrorists, as Governor Sarah Palin put it. (And the McCain campaign and the Republican Party this week launched a robocall operation that tells potential voters that they “need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the US Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge’s home, and killed Americans.”) If the recent polling is accurate, this anti-Obama crusade has not tilted the electorate toward McCain. But one final push–with or without references to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright–will be coming from rightwingers anxious to prevent an Obama win. In a letter sent to supporters, Donald Wildmon, chairman of the American Family Association, declares, “If the liberals win the upcoming election, America as we have known it will no longer exist. This country that we love, founded on Judeo-Christian values, will cease to exist and will be replaced by a secular state hostile to Christianity.”

Some of these attacks do seem silly and are probably designed more to squeeze money out of paranoid rightwing contributors than to sway swing voters. (Don’t vote for Obama because he will let Soros loot the US treasury?) But they are something of a warning: if Obama wins, this is the tenor of the conservative opposition he will face right out of the box: sensationalized, racialized, apocalyptic, and crazy.

Hotline on Call: Sabotage?

Hotline on Call


The New York Post reported last night that Jesse Jackson told a World Policy Forum audience in France last week that if Barack Obama is elected the U.S. will no longer make Israel’s needs paramount to the nation’s foreign policy. Zionists, Jackson said, will “lose a great deal of clout” if Obama wins office.

Obama’s national security spokesperson, Wendy Morigi, pushed back, saying that Jackson has no formal position with the campaign and doesn’t speak for the candidate. She called his remarks about Obama’s Israel position “false charges.”

“Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. is not an adviser to the Obama campaign and is therefore in no position to interpret or share Barack Obama’s views on Israel and foreign policy. As he has made clear throughout his career and throughout this campaign, Barack Obama has a fundamental commitment to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship, and he is advised by people like Dennis Ross, Daniel Kurtzer, Rep. Robert Wexler, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Senator Joe Biden who share that commitment. As President, he will ensure that Israel can defend itself from every threat it faces, stand with Israel in its quest for a secure peace with its neighbors, and use all elements of American power to end Iran’s illicit nuclear program. No false charges can change Barack Obama’s unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security.”

With friends like these …

Weekly Standard Blog: McCan Camp Hits Obama on Jackson’s “Zionists” Statement

Weekly Standard Blog

McCan Camp Hits Obama on Jackson’s “Zionists” Statement

The McCain campaign issued this statement by foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann:


“According to a prominent Democratic supporter of Barack Obama, the ‘Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades’ will ‘lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.’ It should not surprise anyone that Obama’s supporters see what others, from the terrorist group Hamas to Iranian President Ahmadinejad, have seen: an Obama presidency would bring real change to America’s policy of support for Israel. Barack Obama has claimed that nobody has suffered more than the Palestinians, praised a former spokesman of a Palestinian terrorist group for reminding him of his own ‘blind spots’ and ‘biases,’ and told the New York Times that Hamas and Hezbollah have ‘legitimate claims.’ Barack Obama expressed support for Jerusalem being the undivided capital of Israel and switched his position 24 hours later in the face of criticism from Palestinians. Barack Obama has said it is a “disgrace” that the United States has not met unconditionally with leaders committed to Israel’s destruction. Now, Barack Obama claims to be a strong supporter of Israel but his supporters — here and abroad — know better.”

Ta-Nehisi Coates: Billy Dee Williams says “Jesse, step away from the mike bruh…”

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Billy Dee Williams says “Jesse, step away from the mike bruh…”

Jackson on Barry O and the Zionist plot:

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end.

Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House. 

I have two problems with this. 1.) The “Zionist control” theory is a cop-out, a kind of “the Israelis made me do it!” defense. If you have a beef with American foreign policy over the past couple decades, take it to the people you elected and supported.  2.) Why is this dude speaking for Barack? How does he know what Obama’s foreign policy priorities will be? Why can’t he stop talking? I don’t get this at all. 

To Jesse’s credit, later in the piece he says that he isn’t an advisor to the campaign. But that only makes his comments even more puzzling, because if that’s the case, he has no way of knowing what Barack is going to do. There are some very disturbing inferences that can be made, in terms of jealousy. But whenever I’ve speculated on the contents of the hearts of men, I’ve gotten in trouble. I think it’s wrong to read a generational beef into this, even though I’ve been guitly of it in the past. I think this has to do with Jesse, and Jesse only.

NY Post: The O Jesse Knows

NY Post

The O Jesse Knows

PREPARE for a new America: That’s the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week.

He promised “fundamental changes” in US foreign policy – saying America must “heal wounds” it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the “arrogance of the Bush administration.”

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end.

Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout whenBarack Obama enters the White House.

Is Jackson worried about the “Bradley effect” – that people may be telling pollsters they favor the black candidate, but won’t end up voting for him?

“I don’t think this is how things will turn out,” he says. “We have a collapsing economy and a war that we have lost in Iraq. In Afghanistan, we face a resurgent Taliban. New threats are looming in Pakistan. Our liberties have been trampled under feet . . . Today, most Americans want change, and know that only Barack can deliver what they want. Young Americans are especially determined to make sure that Obama wins.”

Open Left: Conservatives Unmasked

Open Left

Conservatives Unmasked

The increasingly virulent tone at McCain-Palin rallies has led to a growing realization within big media that a sizable portion of the Republican base are angry bigots. See The Washington PostThe Politico, and The New York Times for recent reports of this nature. My question is: why did it take so long for these outlets to finally make this realization?
As I have written for three and a half years now, the conservative cultural supremacist message is so not-subtle that non-whites and non-Christians vote for Democrats at collective 3-1 rates. Mass demographic voting patterns of that sort do not take hold unless there is a very clear, long-term message in the most prominent political narratives in our country. In our country, the conservative backlash message has been clear: we are out to stop those freaky different people from taking power in America. Consider the latest ad from Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell:

Now, none of this is overtly racist, in that it avoids the uses of epithets. However, it is all identity based, and engages in a lot of racial codes. This is the conservative platform, and its messages are not subtle: we will protect you from those people who are different. As I have argued on numerous occasions, most recently here, the message is so not subtle that non-whites and non-Christians vote for Democrats at 3-1 rates.

What I really don’t understand is why the McCain campaign and other Republicans think that, after attacking Obama in just this why for several months, that just making those attacks louder and more frequently will somehow work. At this point I’m pretty sure everyone knows that Obama is black. Further, if these attacks were so fruitful to Republicans, then why do they have fewer seats in the House right now than Democrats have had in eighty years, and why are Republicans staring massive at increasingly large deficits in the House, Senate and White House? These attacks don’t work anymore because demographic trends indicate the “others” conservatives are attacking are collectively becoming the majority in America. At some point, they are going to have to deal with this fact, and come up with a new message for America rather than “we hate people who are different as much as you do.”

TalkingPointsMemo: Forget Ayers. McCain Served On Advisory Board Of Whacked Out Council For World Freedom


Forget Ayers. McCain Served On Advisory Board Of Whacked Out Council For World Freedom

In a much discussed story, the Associated Press reported today that John McCain served in the mid-1980s on the advisory board of a right-wing group called the Council for World Freedom, which has been controversial because of the group’s aid to the Nicaraguan Contras and the presence of anti-Semites in its ranks.

Now we’ve gotten a hold of another fun little nugget that shows how whacked out this group really is: A newsletter from the group from July 1985 that lashed out at people who criticized Ronald Reagan for visiting the Bitburg cemetery in Germany, which includes the graves of members of the SS.

The Reagan visit was widely controversial among Jews, but the Council newsletter — which you can view right here — was less than charitable towards Reagan’s Jewish critics.

“Those misguided souls who accused President Reagan of insensitivity for visiting the German cemetery at Bitburg are wallowing in tears of pity over the past crimes of the Nazi regime which collapsed over 40 years ago,” the newsletter said. “They claim they want to keep the memory of the holocaust alive so that it can never happen again.”

“Crocodile tears! It is happening again,” the newsletter continues, “and again, and again, right now, in the modern world; only the crimes of today are not being perpetrated by the Nazis but by their philosophical and demoniacal soulmates, the communists.”

McCain reportedly was still associating with the group a few months later: A States News Service article from October 15, 1985, found via Nexis, confirms that McCain was on hand at a Council awards dinner.

McCain told the AP that he resigned the group’s advisory board in 1984, and eventually asked to have his name removed from the letterhead. But the State News Service article places him at a group dinner a year later.

Pink Flamingo: Obama, Anti-Semitism & the Economy

Pink Flamingo

Obama, Anti-Semitism & the Economy

This weekend Sean Hannity uncovered a link between Barack Obama and Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.  Gateway Pundit has a clip from Hannity’s special about Obama’s associates.


For those idiots who do not know history, there is a known correlation between bad economic times and anti-Semitism. There area already indications that this type of obscenity has already begun.  To make matters worse, there are additional indications that Barack Obama has associates who are extremely anti-Semitic and pro-Islamic.  Getting back to our historical illiterates, let’s do a quickie history of anti-Semitism. 

Capital Research Center: Democracy Alliance’s George Soros and the Sandlers Spoofed by Saturday Night Live

Capital Research Center

Democracy Alliance’s George Soros and the Sandlers Spoofed by Saturday Night Live

SNL produced a fake C-SPAN TV broadcast in which the characters discussed the Wall Street bailout package that became law Friday. Herb and Marion Sandler, the co-founders of Golden West Financial Corp., were depicted as greedy criminals, and George Soros was depicted as a master financial manipulator and as the “owner” of the Democratic Party.

Mr. Sandler is angry about the skit. “I have been listening to this crap for two years,” Sandler told USA Today. “We are being unfairly tarred. People have been telling us to speak out for some time, but we didn’t think it was appropriate. That was clearly a mistake.”